The Tale of Santa Finn O'Flaherty

Absolutely nothing makes Santa Finn O’Flaherty happier than the sound of Christmas morning joy, so he stays extra busy ensuring that everything will be perfect each and every year. But knowing that even Santa needs a day off once in a while, he loves the occasional visit to his second home in County Galway, Ireland. The location of his wee cottage is a secret, but if you know where to look, and I do, you’ll find it in the morning mist, right behind the fairy tree, and just to the right of Galway’s oldest stone circle.

In the village nearest his cottage, there is a very special pub called The Shooting Stars. It was named a long time ago for the beautiful night sky that seemed to occur whenever a certain Santa Finn O’Flaherty came to visit. The sky would fill with hundreds of shooting stars that sparkled as they dashed across the heavens in the blink of an eye. You could tell the stars were having fun as they danced around the moon and slid down the Milky Way.

Santa, or Finn as he is known in the village, likes to meet up at the pub with friends, especially his elf and gnome pals. Here, sitting before a roaring fire and sipping on a tasty pint of apple cider, he catches up with all the village news. From time to time, he always looks out of the window and up at the night sky, watching for the glistening of that very first snowflake, for he knows that’s the signal for him to return soon to the North Pole so he can be ready for the magic and happiness to come.

But, before he left the pub that night, Santa Finn O’Flaherty, sat back down in his favorite chair, took a big sip of his cider and started telling stories. There were lots of ooohs and aaahs that evening and laughter rang in the rafters as he weaved through his magical winter tales. Then he had a grand idea when he saw how much his friends at The Shooting Stars Pub enjoyed them, and with a wink and a smile, he asked me if I would write his tales down so they could be shared with you.

I solemnly promised him to do my very best, and I so hope you like them. Please do take a quick peek out your window before bedtime, as I’ve discovered that even when hearing Santa Finn O’Flaherty’s name, the stars tend to want to come out and play.

I have found that warm jammies are the perfect attire when reading this book and it works the very best if you’re bundled in bed with the covers to your nose or sitting in your very favorite chair with a blanket tucked around your toes. A cup of hot chocolate with a slowly melting marshmallow floating on top is optional, but highly recommended.